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Trotzdem sehe ich mich dazu gezwungen, gewisse Kommentare zu überprüfen, und gegebenenfalls nicht zu veröffentlichen. Es sind dies jene, die sich in rassistischer Weise gegen andere Menschen richten - gewalttätige Inhalte enthalten - Beschimpfungen, etc. Derlei Inhalte kann ich nicht damit vereinbaren, dass sich dieses blog für Menschenrechte einsetzt - und zwar ausnahmslos für alle Menschen.

Mein Blog ist ab 18 Jahren, denn ab da kann man voraussetzen, dass der Mensch denkt...

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Freitag, 12. März 2010

"Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" - Schlaflos in Gaza und Jerusalem


Videos: "Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem"


March 10, 2010

"Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" is a video diary about four young Palestinian women, Muslim and Christian, two living in Gaza and two in Arab Jerusalem/West Bank.

PINA TV Production camera crews are covering Ashira Ramadan, a broadcast journalist based in Jerusalem; Ashiras friend in Gaza, the documentary film maker Nagham Mohanna; Dona Maria Mattas, a 17 year-old student at the Holy Family School in Gaza who dreams of growing up to be a journalist and Ala Khayo Mkari who works with Caritas in Jerusalem.

The intention of this series is neither rant nor rhetoric. It is rather an opportunity for all of us, who do not live in Gaza, occupied Arab Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank to grasp how these four Palestinian women live out their daily lives, precisely because their lives are stories that journalists are too often told by their editors to think of almost dismissively as human interest and almost necessarily conflict driven.

"Sleepless is Gaza...and Jerusalem" documents how --as human beings -- these four Palestinians can also experience moments of personal and community achievement, and the warmth of friends and family life that in real life is possible even in the most difficult circumstances of siege and occupation.

The series launched on Monday March lst. This is not a scripted or storyboarded documentary. It's a video diary shot in two different locations of stuff happening in the lives of our four Palestinians as it happens and then along with potential restrictions of movement, screened, subtitled in English when there is dialogue in Arabic, edited and somewhat painfully, as in time consumed, uploaded to You Tube. So we cannot really predict when the day's report will be on your screen. Just keep checking with us here at YouTube and at the "Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" Facebook

Each day's episode runs 26 minutes and is being shot, edited and uploaded each day for six days a week. On Friday, we all rest, unless something really extraordinary forces us to go back to the field.

This series is produced by PINA TV Productions for Radiant Circle.

Directed by Ramzi Khoury, Executive Producer: Abdallah Schleifer, and Director of Photography: Walid Sababa.

We can be reached at: SleeeplessinGaza@gmail.com

"Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem" Trailer

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 1

The first day of the show. Get to know Ashira first and wait for the rest of the girls.

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 2

Day two of "Sleepless in Gaza...and Jerusalem". Check out Nagham's crew shooting for a documentary and her short interview with American director Maurice Jacobsen.

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 3.

Day # 3 of the show where Ashira looks through shots she filmed at a Palestinian conference that gathered Palestinians from everywhere. Dona accompanies the camera to show what Israel's last attack on Gaza made to people.

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 4

Day 4 (Higher Sound Level). Ashira takes Mohamed Diab, the lead singer in Al Ashekeen Band, and who was born in Syria and never been to Palestine, on a visit to Arafat Moseleum. Nagham takes us on a tour to the markets in Gaza Strip and the tunnels on the border with Egypt, where goods are conveyed in.

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 5 (special edition Jerusalem clashes)

Sleepless in Gaza and Jerusalem Day Five (special edition jerusalem clashes)

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 6.

Ala' from Jerusalem attends a lecture on gender issues in Bethlehem University in the Holy Land, where she is going for a master degree. Nagham waits for her brother to arrive from Dubai in the bus station but was her waiting in vain?

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 7.

Ashira covers a non-violent protest in Sheikh Garrah's district with Palestinians, peace activists and Israelis in the march. Nagham meets a friend in Gaza Strip and have a little talk with people whose house was destroyed in the last war.

Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem 8

Day 8: Ala' goes to Ramallah, the most lively city in Palestine, for shopping. Goods are cheaper and the city is enjoyable. Nagham head to the French Cultural Center for an art gallery on Gaza. She has an interview with Jean Mathiot, the Director of the French Cultural center.

:: Article nr. 64062 sent on 11-mar-2010 16:34 ECT www.uruknet.info?p=64062

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