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Trotzdem sehe ich mich dazu gezwungen, gewisse Kommentare zu überprüfen, und gegebenenfalls nicht zu veröffentlichen. Es sind dies jene, die sich in rassistischer Weise gegen andere Menschen richten - gewalttätige Inhalte enthalten - Beschimpfungen, etc. Derlei Inhalte kann ich nicht damit vereinbaren, dass sich dieses blog für Menschenrechte einsetzt - und zwar ausnahmslos für alle Menschen.

Mein Blog ist ab 18 Jahren, denn ab da kann man voraussetzen, dass der Mensch denkt...

...und ausserdem nicht mehr mit den Umtrieben der Ministerin von der Leyen gegen Websiten in Schwierigkeiten kommt, wenn er einen blog lesen will.

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Samstag, 10. April 2010

Wieder und wieder ... ---- Again and again...


Yes, No, Maybe...

Layla Anwar

April 10, 2010

All Bullshit...All Bullshit...

I keep reading articles about the torture that went on and still goes on in Iraq and Afghanistan, Guantanamo and all other shadow prisons...in Eastern Europe, in Middle East and in Africa...

And the question is always did the americans, canadians, english coalition authorities know about it ? Did they all receive direct orders, did they engage and participate in it too, was it a policy, how widespread was it..etc etc...


And all act oh so shocked....us the americans, us the canadians, us the english, us the poles, us whoever the fuck it is who is there....

Could it be ?


The torture was/is not only policy.....in which you engaged....the torture is ALSO a reflection of your HATRED, your RACISM....in other words even if there was no policy for it, you would have still engaged in it.....

You really need to face facts --- you hate Arabs, you hate Muslims and at any given opportunity you will not shun from making it known, and at any given opportunity you will gladly lash your Judeo-Christian hatred and your Judeo-Christian sexual frustrations (may I add) on these people.....with or without any official policy, with or without any chain of command and orders....

Fuck you and fuck every thing you represent.

Oh and by the way, the same american filth unit responsible for Abu Ghraib is heading back to Baghdad.

Fuck you again.

:: Article nr. 64967 sent on 10-apr-2010 17:04 ECT www.uruknet.info?p=64967

Link: arabwomanblues.blogspot.com/2010/04/yes-no-maybe.html


Shamed Abu Ghraib Military Police Unit to Be Sent Back to Iraq
Army Insists Few Former Members Still in the Unit

Jason Ditz

Two ex-members of the 372nd MP Company

April 9, 2010

Six years after the scandal that shocked the nation and left seven members of the group convicted of mistreatment of Abu Ghraib detainees, the 372nd Military Police Company will soon be sent back to Iraq.
According to an Army spokesman, the unit will be sent to Fort Bliss, Texas, for training later in the month, and will be sent back to Iraq some time in the summer. The Army insists they have full confidence in the unit, and noted that very few of the members from 2004 are still in the unit.
The reserve unit was initially formed in World War 2, and served in Iraq in 2003 and 2004. The nation has only recently been reactivated, after over five years of reserve status.
The seven convicted members of the company faced charges including sexual, physical and psychological abuse of prisoners of war. Of the seven only one, Charles Graner Jr., remains in prison.

:: Article nr. 64960 sent on 10-apr-2010 14:22 ECT www.uruknet.info?p=64960

Link: news.antiwar.com/2010/04/09/shamed-military-police-unit-involved-in-abu-ghraib-t

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