...for Afghans. Only War...
No jobs, only war, for Afghans
By Hafiz Ahmad Miakhel
AFGHANISTAN - Shahbaz stands at the Kotai Sangi junction in Kabul with a set of builder's tools, just as he does every day, hoping someone will take him on.
"I have nine family members and I need to earn some money to feed my children," he told the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). "But there isn't any work. I come in the morning and leave in the evening just like that."
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HaBE Schang-Hait durch Service-Fishing? HaBE eine kleine dienstbeflissene
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beobachten, weil die Boote sehr lange vor Anker liegen (HaBE-Feder-Grafit:
Elaia GR. 2...
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