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-Art. 19 Allgem. Erkl. der Menschenrechte sowie Art. 19 Uno-Zivilpakt (Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit auch Staatsgrenzen überschreitend)
-Art. 1 von Uno-Resolution 53/144 (schützt das Recht, sich für die Menschenrechte zu engagieren)

Trotzdem sehe ich mich dazu gezwungen, gewisse Kommentare zu überprüfen, und gegebenenfalls nicht zu veröffentlichen. Es sind dies jene, die sich in rassistischer Weise gegen andere Menschen richten - gewalttätige Inhalte enthalten - Beschimpfungen, etc. Derlei Inhalte kann ich nicht damit vereinbaren, dass sich dieses blog für Menschenrechte einsetzt - und zwar ausnahmslos für alle Menschen.

Mein Blog ist ab 18 Jahren, denn ab da kann man voraussetzen, dass der Mensch denkt...

...und ausserdem nicht mehr mit den Umtrieben der Ministerin von der Leyen gegen Websiten in Schwierigkeiten kommt, wenn er einen blog lesen will.

Im Übrigen gilt Folgendes für die verlinkten Seiten:

Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 hat das Landgericht Hamburg entschieden, dass durch die Ausbringung eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite gegebenenfalls mit zu verantworten sind. Dieses kann – laut Landgerichtsurteil – nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert.

So bleibt hier vorsorglich festzustellen, dass wir weder Einfluss auf die Gestaltung noch auf den Inhalt dieser gelinkten Seiten haben und uns auch nicht dafür verantwortlich zeichnen. Dies gilt für ALLE auf dieser Seite vorhandenen Links.

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

Oh God, that's Germany


Police Brutality in Frankfurt

December 16th, 2010 by Timo Vuorensola As some of you have read in the press, a couple of our team members had a bit of an unfortunate end for the Frankfurt shooting trip, and many of you are worried.
So, to keep rumours from running amok, here’s what happened.

Long story short, we were spending the last night in Germany in a small bar after a sushi lunch, chatting about the last 1,5 months in Frankfurt and what to expect for the coming Australian shoot. I left the bar earlier that night, lucky me, since soon after I was gone, the police attacked the bar, dragged some of our crew members out, beat the shit out of them and then left without an explanation.
Thanks, guys. What the hell?
Here’s what happened: the remaining three troopers of Iron Sky crew (we specifically do not want to reveal their names – so even if you know who we are talking about, please don’t shout their names to the net) were sipping their drinks in the wee hours of morning, when suddenly the door was slammed open, and four or so coppers and police dogs rushed in. They grabbed our team members very damn brutally, and manhandled them out on the street, smashing the Australian guy face first into the concrete. Then they handcuffed him, and started kicking him while he was on the ground. The other guy – a Finn – tried to stop them and find out what was going on, but he was put down on this knees, and when he tried to get up, the last thing he remembers is a police coming at him fast, before he woke up in an ambulance with a headwound.
After the police had more or less kicked everyone’s arse, they told the guys to go to the ambulance that had appeared in the scene. And then they left.
So, they charged in, beat the shit out of our guys and left. No charges, no reasons, no explanation. Just random act of violence.
Not surprisingly, we’re pissed off. We had great time in Frankfurt, wonderful shoot and everything, and then a bunch of cops come and ruin the whole thing.
Anyway. We’re all OK now, but it did leave a sour taste for the Frankfurt shoot. We’re figuring out with a German lawyer the ways to proceed in order to get some justice – or at least some kind of an explanation – but given that the cops are most likely not going to admit they did anything wrong, and there was quite a heap of them, it might be quite hard. When there is a problem with the police, there’s always the risk that the incident will get buried. We now hope that the resulting publicity will make the Frankfurt police investigate this incident properly.

Look at the pictures:


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