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Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2010

Krieg... --- War...


U.S. Treats Iraqis Like 'Well-Trained Lab Mice'!

By Mahdi Qassem, Sotal Iraq

WORLDMEETS.US, July 26, 2010

As the saying goes, "One man's misfortune is another man's blessing." Judging from the repeated calamities of Iraqi life, with its lot of violence, bloodshed, organized devastation and the impact that Iraq's reckless politicians are having on the people by practicing authoritarian "democracy," the great American centers for strategic studies will certainly benefit. Out of these calamities, disasters and horrific atrocities, they are gleaning information of untold value to benefit themselves politically, potentially for use against people in other places whenever America's strategic, security, political or economic interests call for new horrors and catastrophes.

There's no doubt that Iraq and its people have suffered terribly, their country transformed into an active and effective laboratory. Strange and fantastic events beyond the imagination occur every day in Iraq. These include organized killings, untold physical damage and destruction, a growing scarcity of public services and bottlenecks in their delivery, the mockery by powerful politicians (though political mafia gangs) regarding the most basic humanitarian and national values and commitments, as well as a complete disregard for institutional responsibility. Iraqi leaders have turned their backs on a suffering population, allowing the unending expansion of chaos and destruction until it has spun completely out of control into something bigger than Iraq itself.

All of this will provide great material for strategic studies at the institutes of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, which will gain new and unconventional political expertise from the horrors of Iraq and the dark and surreal bleakness it has endured for the last seven years.

Because Iraq has been transformed into a unique American laboratory, its people are like mice fighting one another for survival or to escape slow extinction. They compete, agitated and disturbed, as if they were aboard a ship listing and about to sink. There seems no hope for a near- or long-term breakthrough because of the dominance of criminal gangs and quasi-politicians. Meanwhile, the American administration also observes Iraqi suffering with no apparent urgency to intervene and put an end to the contempt of Iraq's political mafia gang leaders and the organized destruction of Iraq materially, morally, spiritually and culturally.

And the pain still seems to have a long way to go, since a majority of Iraqis, despite some impatience, discontent and loud protest, continue to suffer the catastrophe that has befallen them with patience, like mice bred in laboratories especially for this purpose! So there's no need for a rapid intervention to put an end to the recklessness of these politicized criminal gangs wreaking a havoc and destruction unseen anywhere else in the world!

Truly: it's as if Iraq has become an effective laboratory, as if its people have become domesticated mice for an experiment, after being injected with heavy doses of religious and sectarian serum that turns rational thinking into ignorance, compelling them to accustom themselves to living in primitive caves under the conditions that have been imposed on them.

Iraq - Sotal Iraq - Original Article (Arabic)

:: Article nr. 68318 sent on 27-jul-2010 17:52 ECT




Layla Anwar

July 27, 2010

Been following the leaks from Afghanistan...the untold covered up stories, parts of them...people are getting very excited about the whole thing, as if they've just discovered dynamite.

This shit has been going on for 10 years now...suddenly Afghanistan is remembered again...which is good but it's a tad late...thousands of lives have been destroyed in an already poor ravaged country...

The same happened to Iraq - it must take a big story for people to remember...again, meanwhile a whole nation and thousands of lives have been totally destroyed...and the same goes for occupied Palestine, it must take something monumental for the world, the Western world in particular to react...

It's like you need to go and dig for that empathy, through torturous routes, and all that it takes is for some Western run agency or person to divulge parts of the Truth, (because trust me the whole truth is still buried down there), for any of it to become credible...for any of it to be listened to...to be acknowledged...but for years and years...nothing much happened...I suppose people still secretly held on to the idea that the victim must have asked for it...must have deserved it somewhere...yes I know it sounds crude but damn it, it rings so true...and this is another chapter, a thorny chapter reserved for later...

And most likely nothing much will happen again...a big brouhaha that will soon abate until another scoop comes along...

This is truly sickening...truly sickening, because nothing that has been leaked is new..it is not new knowledge...it is the barbarity of the US enterprise and that's not new knowledge...

So one layer of illusions has been torn away on one end and layers of skin have been torn away on the other end...and from the reactions I've been observing the message is clear to me - more layers of skin must be ripped apart before anything is believed ...the message am reading - give us more leaks about death and destruction so we can believe that we're not the people we believe we are...leak some more so we can slowly shed through illusions about ourselves...at our own pace...like in 20 fucking years, maybe more...

And the other becomes more feed for you...for your self improvement.

This is too much...I will stop here for now.

:: Article nr. 68319 sent on 27-jul-2010 17:58 ECT www.uruknet.info?p=68319

Link: arabwomanblues.blogspot.com/2010/07/leaks.html

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