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Mein Blog ist ab 18 Jahren, denn ab da kann man voraussetzen, dass der Mensch denkt...

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Samstag, 24. Juli 2010

Condomize your Life...

In fact, condoms are for men, right?


Condom Revolution Called Out by the UN: Videos

Condom Revolution Called Out by the UN
Click here to see more photos of Luxury condoms.
July 23 2010 – Vienna – Austria – “Condom Campaign, condom advertisement, condom shops, condom workshops, condom exhibitions, condom signs, condom demos, condoms fixed on the walls at the Wiener Messe Conference Center, condom posters hanging everywhere, condoms in the toilets, condom on the T-Shirts, condom party, and condoms and more condoms. “Condomize your Future”, “Condomize your Life”, Condomize your Love and Condomize your days and nights. I became deaf of hearing the advertisements for condoms. Seven days of hearing about condoms. Seven days during which my eyes became tired of seeing condoms. Seven days went into advertising for big companies which produce condoms.

These African Women are the envisioned future clients for luxury condoms.
The condom campaign, advertisement, workshops, exhibitions, and meeting which started last Saturday July 17 2010 as part of the XVIII International AIDS Conference 2010 adopted by the United Nations, the City of Vienna, the European AIDS Clinical Society, the European Commission, the Austrian AIDS Society and other organizations had been ended. The conference was held under the slogan of “Rights Here, Right Now – with a renewed commitment to push for securing universal access to HIV prevention, care, treatment and support”.
Over 19,000 participants from 193 countries ended the conference with a clear demand: “CONDOMIZE THE FUTURE”. The participants also concluded the conference with clear evidence of tangible progress in HIV research and program scale up, yet facing an urgent need for increased resources, the protection of human rights, and broader use of scientifically sound prevention strategies.
Delegates and organizers departed Vienna with bags full of condoms, pins, signs and T-shirts which could altogether be described as a revolution of condoms.
As a journalist, I would like to ask the UN, the European Commission and the other organizers of the XVIII International AIDS Conference 2010 the following questions:

  • Which is the connection between fighting against AIDS and leading a campaign from 6:30am – 18:30pm for expensive condom costing 25, 30 and 100 dollars?
  • What is the connection between fighting against AIDS and advertising for the natural condoms, condoms with different flavors, colors and textures?
  • Would the UN clarify for us how we can test the different flavors of condom?
  • Are the victims of AIDS from the South Africa, where people are oppressed by poverty, ignorance and many other malaises able to buy natural condoms and the condoms with different flavors?
  • Did ex-President Bill Clinton, the former lover of Monica Lewinsky and husband of current US foreign minister Hillary Clinton, use condoms with flavor or natural ones during his immoral tryst with Lewinsky?
See the condom campaign promoted by the UN in the video below

Condomize Campaign at AIDS Conference 2010 from Kawther Salam on Vimeo.
I would like to conclude my report saying that I found it disgusting that politicians and many companies and private foundations would use the AIDS victims and the poor, oppressed peoples whom they invited from Africa, to help promote their products and their ambitions at the expense of and to suck the last drop of blood of these poorest and most vulnerable of victims, to climb on their shoulders in order to feed their private companies with millions of dollars. The 2010 AIDS Conference would have been in the right place, an efficient and objective place to look at the problems of the victims of AIDS if the organizers had not been the many bloodsucking big Pharma companies and the missionaries from extremist cults who exploited the conference and paid millions of dollars to promote companies and oppressive ideologies under the banner of fighting against AIDS.

Woman from Peru shows condom use in a socially acceptable way
I wonder which was the costs of bringing Bill Clinton and his security goons to attend the 2010 AIDS Conference so that he could make advertisement for his projects. How much were the costs of the presence of the 19,000 attendants of the conference, among them thousands of poor Africans, among them many thieves apparently came to practice their profession and looted the private property of other guests, as I was told by security guards present at the conference?
Yes, there was an urgent need to convene a conference about AIDS in a quiet and safe place like the state of Austria, and there was an urgent need to invite a number of government representatives interested in the human issues and to finance AIDS research. But there was no necessity to invite 19,000 people for publicity and promotion of the expensive products of companies, like luxury condoms overpriced drugs, dildoes and other useless things which even rich people would abstain from buying.
There was no need to mix the beneficiaries of a giant merchandising program and academics, researchers, and real activists in the field of AIDS and human rights, like British singer Annie Lennox, the UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador who spent each moment to introduce the issue of AIDS and defending it’s victims. Lennox gave wonderful speech at the congress, and also gave summary and revolutionary speeches in different places in Vienna. She led a demo against AIDS in different places, at the Parliament, the Messe and in the Ring Street, without the need for personal security like other self-important people in attendance to the event.
Luxury Condoms peddled at the AIDS 2010 Conference
Luxury Condoms peddled at the AIDS 2010 Conference
Please see the condom party sponsored by the UN and other organizations

Condomize Party at AIDS Conference 2010 from Kawther Salam on Vimeo.
About the AIDS 2010 Organizers
AIDS 2010 is convened by the IAS, the world’s leading independent association of HIV professionals, in partnership with a number of international, regional and local partners. International partners for AIDS 2010 include:
More flavored luxury Condoms at the AIDS 2010 Conference
More flavored luxury Condoms at the AIDS 2010 Conference
  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), including its co-sponsors, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
  • Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+)/International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)
  • World YWCA
  • Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC)
Local and regional partners for AIDS 2010 include local scientific leadership and:
  • City of Vienna
  • Government of Austria
  • Aids Hilfe Wien
  • Austrian AIDS Society
  • East European & Central Asian Union of PLWH (ECUO)
  • European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
  • European Commission
Condoms for You
Condoms for You, sponsored by the UN and rich companies

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