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Mein Blog ist ab 18 Jahren, denn ab da kann man voraussetzen, dass der Mensch denkt...

...und ausserdem nicht mehr mit den Umtrieben der Ministerin von der Leyen gegen Websiten in Schwierigkeiten kommt, wenn er einen blog lesen will.

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Dienstag, 30. November 2010

War Porn and Christmas Peace


Nuclear Nabob: Parsing the Murderous War Porn of Instapundit

Chris Floyd


Empire burlesque, November 28, 2010
For approximately the ten thousandth time, let me say: go read this piece by Arthur Silber. Savor the savage wit he employs against the cretinous call by über-goober Glenn Reynolds for the United States to murder more than 23 million people on the Korean peninsula -- and spread death and disease to hundreds of millions more across Asia.

Silber gives us the money shot from Reynold's latest war porn:

JUST WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW: North Korea fires artillery barrage on South. If they start anything, I say nuke 'em. And not with just a few bombs. They’ve caused enough trouble — and it would be a useful lesson for Iran, too.

As Silber's analysis reveals, Reynolds evidently feels his manhood is threatened by the possibility of a flare-up in the long-running border disputes between North and South Korea. Why these internal conflicts in a sadly divided but small and distant nation should give Reynolds the vapors is not clear; I suspect it is some sort of compensatory psychosexual fixation with the gigantic missiles and ever-ready payloads of America's nuclear arsenal. But I could be wrong, of course. Maybe he's just "sorry," as the home folks would say back in Tennessee (where we are all ashamed to claim Reynolds as one of our own).

In any case, Reynolds' astonishingly complacent contemplation of the immediate annihilation and incineration of millions upon millions of innocent human beings ("Not with just a few bombs") is nothing new for this witless boor, whose "writings" -- or perhaps "blog droppings" would be a better term -- have long been littered with similar berserkery. Nor are his homicidal proclivities at all unusual among the serious, savvy movers and shakers of our time. The American political and media establishments are chockful of respectable figures -- like Reynolds, a university law professor and contributor to worthy journals like the New York Times -- whose persistent, public calls for the extermination of innocent human beings by the thousands and the millions are on a par with any of the most maniacal utterances of the great mass murderers of the last century.

Silber, as you will expect, delves deeper into all of this -- and even ends with a heartwarming Christmas ditty for our times. Are you going to pass that up? Scoot on over there pronto.

:: Article nr. 72301 sent on 29-nov-2010 17:02 ECT www.uruknet.info?p=72301


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