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Mein Blog ist ab 18 Jahren, denn ab da kann man voraussetzen, dass der Mensch denkt...

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Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

End of the Road

End of the Road - Song for Vittorio Arrigoni 


End of the Road by Agron Belica; Dedicated to Gaza Activist Vittorio Arrigoni

April 20, 2011 posted by Veterans Today · 2 Comments
Tim King and Sean King Salem-News.com
New song and music video celebrate life of Vik Arrigoni of ISM, the International Solidarity Movement.

SALEM, Ore.) – While producing the music video for this new Vittorio Arrignoi tribute song by Agron Belica,  with my son Sean, it occurred to me how lucky I am to have my children, and how Vittorio or Vik, as he was known to his friends, won’t get to become my age, or experience things that I and so many extremely fortunate western people do each day. Had Vik been allowed to reach his real potential, he would have moved mountains.
As it is, only he and a handful of others have been carrying the load for world humanity in Gaza, and that is tragic like his death, and also the point of this important tribute by our good friend and fellow Salem-News.com writer Agron Belica, who in addition to his role as a singer/songwriter, is author of The Crucifixion: Mistaken Identity? John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ.
A bright light faded with Vik’s passing, but his legacy is and will absolutely continue to charge and enlighten this movement of people who refuse to let the intense suffering of the walled in sniper tower-laden Gaza Strip in wallow in silence.
As both Egidia Beretta Arrigoni, Mother of Vittorio Arrigoni, and Ken O’Keefe, our fellow writer and close friend of Vik’s in Gaza, said: he is not dead. No such person ever truly goes away; Vik Arrigoni’s legacy is here to stay.

Vittorio Arrigoni's image on the separation wall in Gaza

End of the Road by Agron Belica

Dedicated to Vittorio Arrigoni

(Featuring Marka)

Produced by Kyle Hall

Co-Produced by Patrick Dreier, Tim King, Sean King and Agron Belica

When it comes down to what I’m doin’, What I’m doin’,
What I’m doin’ at the end of the road:
Pride in my words, and passion in my heart.
And ain’t a place that I’d rather start.
And if it comes down to what I’m doin’, What I’m doin’,
What I’m doin’, at the end of the road.
This path I chose you don’t see it, but believe it!
Just know that I’mma have a place to go, at the end of the road.
Life is sacred; it came from heaven up above;
A blessing from the Lord to be shared by everyone!
Freedom is God-given, something that we come to love;
It’s in the blood to defend it, yes! Our strongest passion!
The message goin’ out to those who transgress and violate,
When we’re overwhelmed, the Lord shakes the earth awake.
Everyone suffers; count the losses, check the death rate!
The ignorant surprised, as they watch the newsbreak.
The tears shed, man. for the ones that are sufferin’—
For the ones captive or dyin’ in the millions;
This one goes out to all my people in captivity:
Everyday we pray the Lord gives you all security!
Free you from the devil’s hand, those who oppress thee;
So you can enjoy your sacred life in the world free!
No one has the right to dictate your future, see?
The message goes out: mercy extends universally!
When it comes down to what I’m doin’, What I’m doin’,
What I’m doin’ at the end of the road:
Pride in my words, and passion in my heart.
And ain’t a place that I’d rather start.
And if it comes down to what I’m doin’,
What I’m doin’, What I’m doin’, at the end of the road.
This path I chose you don’t see it, but believe it!
Just know that I’mma have a place to go, at the end of the road.
Most of us don’t want to take responsibility
Save a few brave hearts, inspired God-consciously
Not afraid to parade the doorsteps of authority;
Demand justice be served for the sake of humanity!
Going out to all the brave men and woman activists,
Who put their lives on the line to expose injustice;
Who exert their energy to see we live with dignity—
Your mission and your efforts are recorded in our history!
For all those who enjoin the good and forbid the evil:
Men, women, and children—everyone that is able;
Give a lending hand to stop all that are sinful;
Only with unity can we achieve and become forceful!
Those who left us never will be forgotten;
In our hearts you all will remain with lots of lovin’;
A place for you is set at the end of the road!
May the Lord give you peace and a heavenly abode!
When it comes down to what I’m doin’, What I’m doin’,
What I’m doin’ at the end of the road:
Pride in my words, and passion in my heart.
And ain’t a place that I’d rather start.
And if it comes down to what I’m doin’,
What I’m doin’, What I’m doin’, at the end of the road.
This path I chose you don’t see it, but believe it!
Just know that I’mma have a place to go, at the end of the road.

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