Rokkasho ist der Standort eines kerntechnischen Industriezentrums in Japan, auf dessen Gelände sich unter anderem folgende Anlagen befinden:
- eine Urananreicherungsanlage (Zentrifugentechnik) (seit 1992)
- ein oberflächennahes Endlager (seit 1992)
- eine Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage für Brennelemente aus Leichtwasserreaktoren (seit 2010)
Kosuke Takahashi is a Tokyo-based Japanese journalist. His twitter is @TakahashiKosuke.
Fukushima marks a 'nuclear ice age'
By Kosuke Takahashi
TOKYO - The era of nuclear renaissance is over. The Fukushima shock marks the beginning of the "nuclear ice age".
The ongoing nuclear crisis at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant following an earthquake and tsunami is stirring up energy policy of almost all countries that use nuclear power. The repercussions from Fukushima are being strongly being felt at home and abroad, just as aftershocks are still being felt in northern Japan, including Tokyo.
...Takashi Hirose, a well-noted Japanese writer on nuclear problems, has pointed out there are about 3,000 tons of highly radioactive used nuclear fuel stored in Rokkasho that could overheat and catch fire if the cooling systems fail. This amount could spread nuclear fallout or "ashes of death" to the whole world, he said...
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