The Night Stalkers provided insert and cover for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in May 2011.[10]
Afghanistan 2001: On 19 October an MH-47E carrying ODA 595 landed at Dehi. They flew over 150 miles from Karshi-Khanabad (K2) in Uzbekistan. A few weeks later ODA 595 and ODA 555 along with the Northern Alliance retook the city of Mazari Sharif from the Taliban.
In December the same year Night Stalker crews were essential in resupplying over 150 Delta Force, British SBS and CIA SAD operatives during their hunt for Osama bin Laden in the Tora Bora mountain complex.[4]
The operators from SEAL Team Six were flown by a crew of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
Die bewusstseinsverändernde Wirkung der „kollektiven Verteidigung“ der NATO
Die Aussicht auf „kollektive Verteidigung“ vermittelt manchen Politikern
und Regierungen eine trügerische Sicherheit: Staaten, die unter dem
vor 48 Minuten
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